Make the most of extra time and headspace this Gained Time season.
Our free 30-minute Gained Time webinars will help you tackle the biggest challenges in teaching in 2022:
Inclusive Teaching
Pupil Progress
Effective Use of Data
Engagement and Behaviour

Sign up for one of our free Gained Time webinars:
Accelerate Pupil Progress
Pupil progress has taken a hit during the pandemic, so how can you use lesson time to its greatest effect to ensure maximum progress for all pupils? Our curriculum advisors have some pointers for new and experienced teachers in the classroom.

9th June 2022, 4 p.m.
Evidencing Effective Use of Data
Are you using data in the most effective way? And how are you evidencing your use of data? Our curriculum advisors have worked as heads of departments and subject leads across a county; they know the issues you face. In this webinar, they’ll share their knowledge and encourage attendees to share good practice.

16th June 2022, 4 p.m.
Focus on Feedback
One teacher and 30 students; feedback for every student for each piece of work they do is a tall ask. But we all know that feedback is key to progression. How can we ensure that all students get the feedback they need at the moment they need it? Our specialists show you how.

23rd June 2022, 4 p.m.
Inclusive Teaching - Seeing the Invisible Child
When was the last time you had 1 to 1 time with Katie? She’s quiet, she gets on, she’s doing okay. Or is she? In this webinar our curriculum advisors will draw on their collective experience of over 30 years to provide tips and tricks on how to improve your inclusive teaching.

30th June 2022, 4 p.m.
Outstanding Engagement and Behaviour Management
It’s the summer and you’re tired, the kids are tired. We’re all ready for the summer holidays. But there’s still time left to make a difference. Engage even the most reluctant pupils with our top tips from teachers who have worked at the chalkface.

7th July 2022, 4 p.m.
Never heard of Learning by Questions?
Learning by Questions is an online system containing curriculum-aligned questions in secondary maths and science. All questions are sorted by topics and pupils work through the questions at their own pace, receiving personalised feedback with every answer to help them progress.
All the questions are automatically marked and you can monitor pupil progress in real-time.
Interested? Take a look at our questions.